About Me:
About me:

First off, I am a disabled Vietnam era veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard. After I was discharged in 1973, I went to a college to learn a profession. Long story short, I graduated from a small town university outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I graduated with top honors (3.95 in the Computer Science department, 3.5 overall).

 I had worked as a Programmer Analyst (Application Developer) for over twenty five plus years, specializing with working on Tandem Systems in the financial industry.

During my work history, I had to deal with at least one bully in most of the companies where he had worked.

Now while in retirement, and with his experience of being bullied in the workplace, that I am  currently working to help others who are being bullied in the workplace as part of my anti-bully campaign initiative. I have given free advice if asked.

Besides that I am currently working with other anti-bully organizations such as Imbullyfree.org (Bud Collier) and B.U.A.C.A. in Canada (John Anderson).

 I do not want what had happened to me in the workplace to ever happen to anyone else (being forced (bullied) into early retirement)!

Workplaces should not ever become a hostile environment. Working together should be a positive experience. Bullies in the workplace become a cancer to the organization and good employees end up leaving and those who are targeted can become ill.